Sunday, September 20, 2015

Our MakerSpace- one year later...

At the end of my first year here at ASFG, I pitched the idea to have a MakerSpace in the upper school library.  A place for learners to tinker and explore personal learning. We first introduced Makey Makeys, simple building kits, robotics, arduinos, coding and video-making tools. For teachers, we held workshops and had a teacher PLC on exploring making in the classroom. For students, we had Maker Mondays, Minecraft club, Maker Camp and had seniors develop maker challenges as part of a senior project. On a daily basis, we  maintained an open space for creative exploration. 
One of our initial reasons for the MakerSpace was to allow for students to develop their own sense of self directed learning.  Many loved the sense of freedom to explore activities that they thought were 'off-limits' during school time. We have learned that many of our younger students (grade 5) engage most when older students are part of the learning activity or when the challenges are supported by adults. Many students were surprised to learn we had these 'toys' for them to 'play' with. 

In our second year, of the MakerSpace, we hope to continue to build bridges between self-directed learning and class curriculum.  We look forward to having more robotics such as Spheros (codable remote controlled robotic balls) and expanding our electronics with Littlebits.  

The most exciting addition to the MakerSpace is a 3D printer.  We bought a 3D printer kit from Printrbot. Currently, there is a group of 7 students (grades 5-12) working together to build the kits.  Last Saturday, we had our first build session and we hope to have the printer built and running by mid-October.  There is so much excitement surrounding the 3D printer, almost daily a student will ask me when the printer will be ready.  Our students are so excited to create their designs for personal interests. I have another team of students interested in creating the 'rules' for how we will use and share the printer. I love that my students asked me how we will share this tool - they are taking ownership. Even teachers have stopped into ask if they may use it too... The answer to everyone is YES.  Exciting adventures.... update in December :).

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Victoria. Thanks for sharing the mini video. It is exciting to see Axel taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity. He has so much talent. I feel sure that he is highly motivated.
